Thursday, 9 July 2020


Alex Collier: Reptilians Eat Children

1. The Anunnaki — in whose image our human vehicles have been made;
2. The Reptilians — an empathy-less species of warriors who came in this dimension from a parallel universe that has achieved completions;
3. The Greys — geneticists working for the Reptilians and responsible for most of the human and animal abductions, in their attempt to improve their species and create various hybrids (they are the lesser evil of the four and their main motivation is their species’ survival, even though that means colluding with the Reptilians and causing harm to us);
4. The Archons — non-physical parasites that can consciously control any organic vehicle (i.e. body) that has no soul attached to it, including Anunnaki, Reptilian, Grey or Human bodies. They can also partially or fully control organic vehicles with souls attached to their bodies, through various physical or energetic implants.
Reptilian code
Here is how you can begin to break the hypnotic code of the Reptilians and other beings masquerading as humans on the planet, according to Fleurbrun:
When you intuit a being in your presence, say either telepathically or outloud, “I am breaking the code of disillusion to see what is before me.”…/breaking-hypnotic-code-of-reptil…
The Tall Greys
The tall Greys are a completely artificial intelligence now in their ‘sim-card’ form because they are almost purely atomic. I do suspect they do have a smattering of DNA and thus a record of their former selves.…/grey-aliens-and-harvesting-of-so…
The Greys are able to detect and perceive emotional responses from humans. They have the ability to “feed” on this energy.
They can confine this emotional energy to containers that have internal fields that will “bottle” the energy, much like a magnetic bottle will hold a plasma.
They also have the ability to pickup and gather the energy emitted through the eyes (sometimes called eloptic energy, or biological energy).…/aliens-that-appear-as-light-bewa…
Archangels / Archons
Archangels appear to be working in humanity’s best interests but they are yet another layer of subservience as they look to control and guide your thoughts and actions. One must even look at the etymology of these archangels, such as Gabriel, Michael, Raphael, Uriel, Raguel, Remiel and Saraqael. If you notice, each of these names end in “EL” which in etymology means “God”. These are the same beings as mentioned in the bible, the ELohim, which answers the question, “Who are US and OUR?” in Genesis (the Genes of Isis) 1:26, where it says, “Let US make man in OUR own image.”
So, in essence, you could view the word “archangel” as “archon-ang-elohim”.
Archangels are often channeled through various people who give their fluffy reports about how dear and loved we are, yet they rarely ever give any reliable information about what the future may bring. More often than not, they make false promises of hope that are always around the corner, but never arrive.
What if Planet Earth was ostensibly run by a race of shape-shifting reptilians?
Believe it or not, this outre’ political-science-fiction scenario has become a focus of historical researchers as well as spiritual visionaries. In fact, the resonance of corroborating evidence from science and metaphysics has a synchronicity that is nothing but astonishing.
Serpents and flying dragons have, of course, been a staple of ancient myth and legends of indigenous people around the world. The assumption has always been, however, that they are metaphor or allegory – and not a literal description of actual beings.…/new-reptilian-world-order-comple…

baby reptilians
we have all seen videos of baby reptilians who have been judged to be children sick with Harlequin syndrome. Of course the scientists and scientists of the world governments are not going to say that they are hybrids which were not judged good by the reptilians who inseminated the mother then they invented a syndrome ... In short. And there is what syndrome when the baby has lizard feet with beautiful claws? 

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