Following Discoveries & Conclusion’s Come from Investigating 1,000+ AI, Robotics, 5G, Biometrics and Bioengineering Companies by Cyrus A. Parsa

As described in the books AI, Trump, China and the Weaponization of Robotics with 5G and Artificial Intelligence Dangers to Humanity, 5G is not built for human beings, it is for machines. The frequencies are so strong, that they can lower your immune system, cause neurological and cell damage, alter your brain chemistry and affect your nervous system. This process does not exclude the very sophisticated concepts of bio-digital social programming that human beings can go under while exposed to 5G, let alone the replication affect of diseases such as the corona virus, Covid 19.5G Frequencies Made for Machines, Lowers Immune Systems in Humans, Increasing Coronavirus Affect

The Towers being installed around the country, the world and the frequencies emitting were originally designed for machines, drones and military application for 5G networks. It is not healthy for human beings to have these systems around their homes, families or cities, other than in places for strategic military defense capabilities. The affects of 5G are numerous, including bio-digital social programming, psychological, neurological, and cellular damage.

Smart Phones Proximity Sensors Connect to Nervous System

The smart phones proximity sensors can read your heart beat, menstrual cycle, map out your brain, as well as connect with your nervous system and skin receptors. As you are engaging with your smart phones, the 5G frequencies would connect to your body via your smart phone, IoT and other devices that carry the 5G signals. This engagement puts your health and immunity at risk, not to mention the current deployment of 5G towers around the country.


When we touch the area of mind control technology we are talking about the highest level of secret classifications in the world. The little I am sharing here is what the public knows and has been unclassified by the governments for public release.
Electronic mind control technology started during World War II when radar technicians found they could hear the buzz of a train of pulses being transmitted by radar equipment they were working on. The phenomenon was studied extensively by Dr. Allan Frey. What Dr. Frey found was that single pulses of microwaves could be heard by some people as pops or clicks. While a train of uniform pulses could be heard as a buzz without benefit of any type of receiver. Dr. Frey also found out that a wide range of frequencies worked for some combination of pulse power and pulse width called microwave hearing. Frequencies that act as voice-to-skull carriers are not single frequencies as for example radio, TV or cell phone channels are. Each frequency is actually a range or bands of frequencies. A technology called spread spectrum is used to reduce both interference and detection. Spread spectrum signals have the carrier frequency-hop within a specified band. Unless a receiver knows the hop schedule in advance there is no chance of receiving or detecting a coherent readable signal. Spectrum analyzers used for detection are receivers with a screen. A spread spectrum signal received on a spectrum analyzer appears as static or noise.
The first known successful unclassified voice-to-skull experiment was done by Dr. Joseph C. Sharp in 1974 at Walter Reed Army Institute of Research. By converting a hypnotists voice into the ultrasound frequency spectrum and using a telephone voice changer to transfer the voice to the targets head. Made it possible to hypnotize the target and not being aware of what happen. By using millimeter microwave signals they easily penetrated the nerve cells walls in the human body and use that as a way of communication. The US Department DOD, EPA and NASA has published that word communication by the method of ultrasound is an established technology.
Ultrasound or voice-FM as it also called is vibration of the air, liquid, or solid. It is above the upper limit of human hearing which is roughly around 15,000 Hz in adults. It uses a tone at or near that upper limit and the speaker's voice varies slightly. Either like a tinnitus sound or nothing is heard by the target at all. There are many methods to transmit directly through the air using air type transducers. By using a modulated microwave pulse from antennas or through piggybacking an ultrasound message on top of commercial radio or televisions. Today's radios and TVs can carry enough ultrasound messaging to be "heard" by the human brain (though not the ear) to be effective in conveying hypnosis. This was proven by the US military forces in the Gulf War. When all communication on the Iraq side was taken out by the US and their allies. The only way of communication for the Iraqi soldiers was through FM radio sets. So the US Army used their Ultrasound and voice-FM by sending their voice-to-skull messages. By so confusing the Iraqi soldiers with many weird commands and messages in their heads while hearing only music and news broadcasted from their FM radios. Ultrasound's and voice-FM's main advantage in mind control work is that it can carry a verbal hypnosis. The brain can hear and understand this inaudible voice, while the ear cannot. For decades subliminal advertising using voice and images at normal frequencies were time sliced into an apparently normal radio or TV broadcast. There is a lot more involved here than a simple subliminal sound system. There are numerous patented technologies which can be piggybacked individually or collectively onto a carrier frequency to elicit all kinds of effects. They normally use two methods of delivery with their voice-to-skull system. One is direct microwave induction into the brain of the subject, limited to short-range operations. The other is by using radio and television carrier frequencies.
In the 1950s CIA started the project MKULTRA. Just as organized crime is not stopped by hearings and court cases neither did the MKULTRA activities stop. Many of the test subjects had children and the children where often subjected to the same testing as their parents. The project institutionalized mind control, drugs, human abuses and horrific experiments. The experimentees without exception reported that once the testing began. The classified experiment specification apparently requires that the testing be continued for life. All tests consisted of unique carefully engineered-unprovable events to produce psychological stress in the victims. In every series of stress event type one introductory event of very high energy/effect is staged. The obvious purpose is to be certain the victim knows this is external harassment, and not just bad luck. From that time forward the experimenters appear to apply Pavlovian training so that they can get the victim to jump (or react in some way) to the same effect at a tiny fraction of the initial introductory event. This type of testing all points to total control of the test subject. Endlessly repeated words generated inescapably within the skull are just one hypnosis-like experience. Given that control is the likely ultimate purpose involuntarily test subjects became a necessity. That people was apparently being chosen at random was not true. The project preferred abused subjects from abusive backgrounds and families.
Common scenarios used in the MKULTRA mind control experiments.
Sleep deprivation and fatigue: Silent but instantaneous application of electronic caffeine signal, forces awake and keeps awake. Loud noise from neighbors, usually synchronized to attempts to fall asleep. Precision-to-the-second allowed sleep and forced awakening far too precise and repeated to be natural. Daytime fatigue attacks, can force the victim to sleep and/or weaken the muscles to the point of collapse.
Audible Voice-to-Skull (V25): Delivered by apparent at a distance radio signal. Made to appear as emanating from thin air. Voices or sound effects only the victim can hear.
Inaudible Voice-to-Skull (Silent Sound): Delivered by a distance radio signal; manifested by sudden urges to do something/go somewhere you would not otherwise want to; silent (ultrasonic) hypnosis. Programming hypnotic triggers i.e. specific phrases or other cues which cause specific involuntary actions.
Violent muscle triggering (flailing of limbs): Leg or arm jerks to violently force awake and keep awake. Whole body jerks, as if body had been hit by large jolt of electricity. Violent shaking of body; seemingly as if on a vibrating surface but where surface is in reality not vibrating. Precision manipulation of body parts (slow, specific purpose). Manipulation of hands, forced to synchronize with closed-eyes but fully awake vision of previous day; very powerful and coercive, not a dream. Slow bending almost 90 degrees backwards of one toe at a time or one finger at a time.
Direct at-a-distance control of breathing and vocal cords; including involuntary speech. Spot blanking of memory, long and short term.
Reading said-silently-to-self thoughts: Engineered skits where your thoughts are spoken to you by strangers on street or events requiring knowledge of what you were thinking. Real time reading sub-vocalized words, as while the victim reads a book, and broadcasting those words to nearby people who form an amazed audience around the victim.
Direct application of pain to body parts: Hot-needles-deep-in-flesh sensation. Electric shocks (no wires whatsoever applied). Powerful and unquenchable itching, often applied precisely when victim attempts to do something to expose this work. Artificial fever, sudden, no illness present. Sudden racing heartbeat, relaxed situation.
Surveillance and tracking: Thru wall radar and rapping under your feet as you move about your apartment, on ceiling of apartment below. Thru wall radar used to monitor starting and stopping of your urination - water below turned on and off in sync with your urine stream. Loud, raucous artificial bird calls everywhere the victim goes, even into the wilderness.
Invasive Physical Effects at a Distance, non-body: Stoppage of power to appliances (temporary, breaker on). Manipulation of appliance settings. Temporary failures that fix themselves. Flinging of objects, including non-metallic. Precision manipulation of switches and controls. Forced, obviously premature failure of appliance or parts.
External Stress-Generating Skits: Participation of strangers, neighbors, and in some cases close friends and family members in harassment. Rudeness for no cause. Tradesmen always have problems, block your car, etc. Purchases delayed, spoiled, or lost at a high rate. Unusually loud music, noise, far beyond normal. Break-ins/sabotage at home. Shredding of clothing. Destruction of furniture. Petty theft. Engineered failures of utilities. Sabotage at work. Repetitive damage to furniture. Deletion/corruption of computer files. Planting viruses which could not have come from your computer usage pattern. Delivered goods delayed, spoiled, or lost at a high rate. Spreading of rumors, sabotage to your working reputation. Direct sabotage and theft of completed work; tradesmen often involved and showing obvious pleasure.
The main purpose of the CIA MKULTRA project was to implant triggers using a twilight state (half-conscious) medication and tape recorded hypnosis. The ultimate goal was to have the acting out of Pavlovian triggers erased from the victim's memory. The result was that hypnotic triggers are planted without the subject being aware. So that the CIA could activate the subject into an altered stated and perform wanted actions. It has been possible for a very long time now by using supercomputers to analyze human emotional EEG patterns and replicate them and then store these emotion signature clusters on other computers. Then alter those signature remotely, and transfer them silently back to the subjects brain unknowingly. This technology have been used for many years and is known by the name of Silent Sound.
The mind-altering mechanism is based on a subliminal carrier technology and is called the Silent Sound Spread Spectrum (SSSS), sometimes called S-quad or Squad. It was developed by Dr. Oliver Lowery of Norcross, Georgia, and is described in US Patent #5.159.703 "Silent Subliminal Presentation System", dated October 27, 1992. The abstract for the patent reads: "A silent communications system in which non-aural carriers, in the very low or very high audio-frequency range or in the adjacent ultrasonic frequency spectrum are amplitude- or frequency-modulated with the desired intelligence and propagated acoustically or vibrationally, for inducement into the brain, typically through the use of loudspeakers, earphones, or piezoelectric transducers. The modulated carriers may be transmitted directly in real time or may be conveniently recorded and stored on mechanical, magnetic, or optical media for delayed or repeated transmission to the listener."
Before the 1G, 2G, 3G, 4G and 5G era they use to implant devices to help out in the mind control projects, but those implants are no longer required. Because they are using brain entrainment that is the reverse of biofeedback. Low frequency electrical brain rhythms which are characteristics of various moods and states of sleep can be read out using biofeedback equipment or EEG machines. Thought reading is known as thru-skull microwave reading and magnetic skull-proximity reading. By using electromagnetic radio and microwaves they do that automatically through their AI Quantum computer network systems. They use the brain entrainment system to set up a target to make him/her more susceptible to hypnosis. The millimeter wave scanning method uses the very top end of the microwave radio signal spectrum just below infra-red. To be able to view small objects or people clearly, the highest frequency that will penetrate non-conductive or poorly conductive walls is used (like in Israel in the buildings there). If concrete walls or something like that is present they merge the millimeter waves (GHz) with lower level microwaves (Hz, kHz and MHz) to push them through the obstacles to bring the millimeter waves inside the buildings. Millimeter wave scanning uses two modes, passive (no signal radiated, uses background radiation from area antennas or natural radiation in the area, totally undetectable) or active (like low power millimeter wave hand held device scanners and computers). Millimeter microwave signals can display a 3D and 2D outline of any object. Lower frequency radar (hand held devices) can only show a blip which indicates an object's presence or in motion, but not it's outlines. Millimeter wave through-clothing, through-luggage is currently in use at airports and other ports of entry or departures. In addition to mind control experimental observation, millimeter wave scanners are ideal for stalkers and voyeurs, since the subject is portrayed in the nude.
So as you can now understand I have only given you a small taste of what is really going on in this world. They use secret listening stations, HAARP (High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program), GWEN (Ground Wave Emergency Network), radio towers, TV towers, cell towers and what not to scan, observe and control everything. The “authorities” has been keeping the “normal” people in the dark for years on end. HAARP is suppose to be a super secret US project in the USA, but they have it in Norway (allied), Puerto Rico (US), Russia (not allied, supposedly enemy) and where not. It is truly wake up time!
Last words - So what is really going on is a war on the human beings. I can only observe the given facts and make my own conclusions. You have been given some help from me for you to make your own conclusions. Do not let yourself be deceived, manipulated, brainwashed or over-blinded. Because that is what they have been doing to everyone from birth. Thank you for your time, stay blessed, stay strong in your faith and all honor to Father God in Heaven!

6 Ways to Keep Your Home Safe from Radiation Exposure

5G: How (and WHY) to Protect Yourself from EMF Exposure and the Upcoming 5G Influx

5G: The Gs, EMF, and Why They Matter to You

Bigger, faster, better! 5G. That must be an improvement, right? When it comes to our mobile devices, we usually want anything that can deliver us fast, convenient service.

Speed and convenience are great, but often come with a price. In this case, EMF exposure. All electronic devices create electromagnetic fields or EMF. Some are more harmful than others.

For the last 8 years, 4G has been the network we have all used for our wireless devices. Even LTE was just improved 4G. 

But now, wireless companies are aiming to increase our speed and connectivity. The newest network will be called 5G, and some initial testing says it will be 20 times faster than the current network speeds.

The simple difference between them is that 4G uses lower frequency waves, and is therefore not as reliable or fast. By using the higher frequency of 5G, the waves are shorter, and they require a shorter distance between towers, or receptors, to send and receive them.  

The ugly, giant 4G towers—you see them all around your cities and towns—can have miles between them and still work. The new, 5G towers will require millions more mini cell receptors. They are about the size of a shoe box. They’ll be located on nearly every house, much closer than the old cell towers.

How does 5G affect us?

Having mobile internet speed that is 20 times faster than the current 
4G might sound awesome!

The problem is that cell phones and other devices emit electromagnetic 
fields of radiation. It’s a sort of mini-microwave, with unseen radiation, 
that can cause harmful effects. The radiation from our mobile devices 
damages cell membranes and releases cancer-causing, free radicals.

The more powerful, shortwave radiation of 5G will bring about more 
potent health issues, both because of the smaller, more powerful 
radiation, and also because of the location of millions more receptor 
boxes, much closer than they were before.

Even the World Health Organization classified radio frequency radiation 

In their hurry to be the first one to roll out the fastest network, cell 
companies and government regulation are not doing extensive research
 on the health effects. Since it was developed for military use, it hasn’t 
been tested thoroughly enough for public exposure.

We already know the effects 2, 3 and 4G have had from previous 

Health Effects

Radiation Confirms Cancer Link,” researchers in the U.S. and Italy both 
found the same types of tumors in the brain and heart in rats as a result
 of cell phone radiation.

Here are a few other ways studies have shown the EMF 

radiation can affect our health:

  • Changes how we metabolise cells
    • Depression
    • Anxiety
    • Neurodegenerative issues
  • Cardiac arrhythmias
  • Heart flutters
  • Tachycardia (rapid heartbeat)
    • It affected male fertility more than female fertility, but damage 
    • was noticeable in both
  • Changes cell development
  • Affects eyesight
  • Damages DNA
    • Causes breaks in the strands of our DNA
  • Introduces free radicals
  • Affects the nervous system
  • Affects skin
    • One study shows our skin absorbs this form of radiation 
    • through our sweat ducts.

How do you stop it from affecting you?

Now, I’m not saying that you need to throw away all your mobile 

My goal is always to encourage a balanced, healthy life. One of the 
things that can do damage to your health is this kind of EMF radiation. 
There are ways to lessen the damage and protect yourself.

The 5G network isn’t supposed to roll out until 2020, but with the rush 
to be the best and fastest network, many cities are starting to pioneer 
the technology.

It looks like until some new technology is developed, 5G and EMFs are 
here to stay. When cities begin to install these mini-boxes everywhere, 
there are ways you can protect yourself. But it will be impossible to 
completely avoid them.

Here are a few things you can do to minimize

 current contact with harmful radiation:

1. Keep your distance.

As always, I suggest keeping your cell phone outside of your room at 
night, and avoiding screens for the few hours before bedtime anyway. 
This is because of the effect blue light can have on your ability to sleep
 well. It’s also a good practice so you’re not marinating next to those 
radiation waves all night.

Don’t be afraid to use your phone, but do keep it in a separate bag if 
you’re carrying it. Don’t tuck it in your bra or pockets near your body. 
Be especially mindful of not keeping any devices near your heart or 
your womb if you’re pregnant! 

Also, do not use your devices while they are charging. Some estimates 
say it doubles your EMF exposure.

2. Turn it off.

When you are not using it, and especially at bedtime, just turn off your 
wifi. It doesn’t completely eliminate EMF exposure, but it will reduce it!

3. Use specially designed headphones.

Consider using wired headphones for long phone calls to minimize 
close, prolonged contact with the device. I use Dr. Mercola’s Blue 
Tube Headsets. As it says on, “Most cell phone headsets 
have a wire that can act like an antenna and magnify the radiation 
emissions all the way to the earpiece.”

4. Check out InPower.

There Is Beauty In Freedom
You Have the Right To Protect Your Health and Home 
Whether it is unsafe trespassing technology or other unwanted interventions, 

InPower can help you reclaim your authority with the use of our commercial

administrative process that anyone can use.

Effective tools to really protect yourself. 

Even though 5G won’t be everywhere until 2020, here are some 
products you can use to decrease the effects of short wave radiation 
from your devices.

This is the best product I have found so far to limit 

the exposure:

It’s brand-new, game-changing technology. It’s called and Earthing 
Card, and it is very effective.
This card is also currently being upgraded. Links will be provided as 
soon as they are available.
For your devices:
These are more expensive options, but offer home coverage 
(as of this edit, the Premium Ultra version does not seem to be 
available yet in Europe or UK websites):
Also, here are two wearable options that will help:

You can report any of your signs and symptoms to this 

database here:

The following site is now available to report your symptoms believed to
 be caused by RF radiation.

Radiation effects in the lung.

This article outlines the principles of radiobiology that can explain the time of onset, duration, 
and severity of the complex reactions of the lung to ionizing radiation. These reactions have been 
assayed biochemically, cell kinetically, physiologically, and pathologically. Clinical and 
experimental data are used to describe the acute and late reactions of the lung to both external and 
internal radiation including pneumonitis, fibrosis and carcinogenesis. Acute radiation pneumonitis
, which can be fatal, develops in both humans and animals within 6 months of exposure to doses 
greater than or equal to 8 Gy of low LET radiation. It is divisible into a latent period lasting up to 
4 weeks; an exudative phase (3-8 weeks) and with an acute pneumonitic phase between 2 and 6 
months. The latter is an inflammatory reaction with intra-alveolar and septal edema accompanied 
by epithelial and endothelial desquamation. The critical role of type II pneumonocytes is discussed.
 One favored hypothesis suggests that the primary response of the lung is an increase in 
microvascular permeability. The plasma proteins overwhelm the lymphatic and other drainage 
mechanisms and this elicits the secondary response of type II cell hyperplasia. This, in its turn, 
produces an excess of surfactant that ultimately causes the fall in compliance, abnormal gas 
exchange values, and even respiratory failure. The inflammatory early reaction may progress to 
chronic fibrosis. There is much evidence to suggest that pneumonitis is an epithelial reaction and 
some evidence to suggest that this early damage may not be predictive of late fibrosis. However, 
despite detailed work on collagen metabolism, the pathogenesis of radiation fibrosis remains 
unknown. The data on radiation-induced pulmonary cancer, both in man and experimental animals
 from both external and internal irradiation following the inhalation of both soluble and insoluble 
alpha and beta emitting radionuclides are reviewed. Emphasis is placed on the data showing that 
alpha emitters are at least an order of magnitude more hazardous than beta/gamma radiation and 
on recent data showing that the more homogeneous the irradiation of the lung, the greater is the 
carcinogenic hazard which contradicts the so-called "hot particle" theory.

Stay Healthy in a 5G World: Heal Your House, Heal Your Body
 health? There is good reason to be, as the linked Scientific 
American article highlights that the health effects from wireless 
radiation include cancer risk, cellular stress, harmful free radicals, 
genetic damage, changes of the reproductive system, learning 
deficits, neurological disorders and many other symptoms.

Why Do People Believe 5G Causes 

EMF stickers - Google Search

Ground yourself with Natural Earth Minerals  proven to 
eliminate EMF