"While recent attention has focused upon pesticides, other environmental pollutants have largely been ignored."
I believe aluminum testing has been intentionally ignored in the corporate-controlled academic community specifically to prevent bringing attention to the ongoing aluminum-aerosol spraying campaign.
The second statement:
"Aluminum is the most significant environmental contaminant of recent times..."
Finally, honest academics—who are not controlled by establishment banker/industrialists—admit that aluminum is a new and significant problem.
Where is all this new aluminum contamination coming from? All evidence points to ongoing aerosol spray programs being performed in numerous countries worldwide.
It has been my position all along that aluminum is now the primary cause of insect decline. The unprecedented spraying of very fine aluminum powder has decimated insect populations and has facilitated animal die-offs and the sudden rise of lung cancer to the position of #3 killer of humans despite smoking being at an all-time low.
The article below exposes how bees and ladybugs virtually vanished in direct temporal relation to aerosol spray events. In fact, historically, all major bee decline events have occurred after heavy aluminum aerosol spraying campaigns began.
Now that a few honest academics are reincorporating common sense hypothesis back into the scientific process, we can make enormous strides in connecting catastrophic animal and insect declines to ongoing metallic aerosol spray campaigns.
Western New York: A Lush Land
Welche's Lake Erie vineyards from the western border of New York. The blue in the background is the lake. Notice the white sky.
It's one of the most beautiful parts of the country. Western New York is lush from an abundance of lake effect rain and snow from Lake Erie.
Thousands of acres play host to Welch's concorde grapes forming miles of geometric borders along the lake. In the fall, the concorde grape scent saturates the air creating a surreal atmosphere. Wineries line the landscape. People come from all over the world to visit them.
The abundant rainfall creates a virtual rainforest. Everything grows and flourishes; plants, animals, flowers, and bees.
I lived in western New York from 2003 to 2008. To walk in my western New York lawn was to walk in a field rich with grasses and clover. It buzzed thick with the activity of thousands of bees which created a soothing humming in the air like the quiet roar of a distant amphitheater.
You wouldn't dare walk on the lawn with bare feet. If you stood anywhere in the lawn you would see hundreds of bees at any of day. In all my life, I've never seen anything like it.
Everything Changes
View out my office window in Jamestown, New York in 2004.
I moved to Jamestown in 2003 and had a beautiful view of the city and the sky from my home-office window, but in 2005, I saw the beginning of daily chemical aerosol ("chemtrail") spraying. The jets suddenly began coming every day at 3pm and sprayed until 7pm making the sky completely overcast in less than 4 hours. The intensity and frequency of the spraying increased throughout the winter but was always on a predictable schedule.
The very next spring, there was no more hum. Nearly all of the bees were gone. For as long as I remember and had visited this place, I remember the bees, but this year—the first summer after the chemtrail assault began—the bees had suddenly, for the first time ever, disappeared.
Is it a wild coincidence that this first-ever die-off of the bee population occurred the summer immediately after chemtrails began?
Absolutely not.
The numerous cover stories claiming that a pesticide killed off the bees are nothing more than disinformation pumped out by the military industrial complex. They are covering up the clear evidence of the collateral damage caused by toxic chemical aerosols.
Ladybugs suddenly died after 3 days of intense jet spraying. This photo was taken a few months after the sudden die-off when we decided to publicize the event.
Don't be deceived. There is no limit to the amount of your tax money they will spend to protect themselves from the legal and criminal charges they would face if ever held accountable. Disinformation complete with well-constructed false-science has been used for decades to legitimize profiteering's destructive agendas.
The Jamestown bee die-off is not an isolated incident. After moving to Maine, during 3 days of intense spraying, I watched as an entire ladybug colony died right in front of my eyes. In fact, dozens of massive animal and insect die-offs have occurred since widespread chemical aerosol spraying began.
We used no pesticides in Jamestown, and we use none here, but toxic chemtrails fill the sky in both locations. I was forced to move away 2½ years after the bee die-off to save my own life. The bees didn't have that choice.
Unfortunately, many don't notice what is going on right above their heads, but for those who pay attention, the truth is obvious:
The purported goal: to reflect sunlight back into space, thus cooling the planet. It might look something like this:
Image: YouTube
The “tinfoil hat brigade” of chemtrail conspiracy theorists must feel an odd mixture of vindication and confusion. The very thing they have suspected for so long is now being touted as a cure for, of all things, global warming.
Gates is under increased scrutiny since he decided to use his vast influence and wealth to fight the use of chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine as treatments for the new coronavirus. As CDMedia has reported repeatedly, the drugs, in concert with azithromycin and zinc, defeat the virus at the RNA level by passing zinc through the cellular membrane. The tried, true and inexpensive drugs thwart the ability of pharmaceutical labs to profit from the current outbreak.
Nobody can have fun until we consent to pay for a Gates-funded vaccine? Say what you will about his messiah complex, he’s a heck of a salesman.
Sunblock? Just block the sun!
Now, back to chemtrails (another line I never thought I’d write). The reason reporters, alt media, and citizen journalists are digging up stories on Gates: no one trusts him. Once perceived as a cutthroat businessman, Gates has recast his image over the past two decades as a force for positive change.
Bill and Melinda Gates. Image: YouTube
Pictures with his wife Melinda tending to sick children in Africa: this is Gates 2.0, a man–and his wife, how sweet!–doing their part for the less fortunate. Nothing else to see here.
In the meantime, Gates has been meeting with heads of state, currying favor with the World Health Organization (WHO) and the G20. Worth more than $100 billion, he is, as I have said before, his own country.
Gates is driven by a frightening agenda, but it’s not visible on the surface. The scholarship behind population reduction as a global benefit is unimpeachable. Over a billion people in both China and India? That’s not healthy. Global population growing steadily? No one wants that. But to treat people as mere data points is dehumanizing and leads to poor policy decisions.
If left to unethical ideologues, could a virus be used to intentionally lower global population? A “greater good” proposition? Purely theoretically, of course.
When it comes to climate change, the Gates plan is similarly wild. The intention is to create a “Pinatubo effect,” named after the 1991 volcano in the Philippines which released thousands of metric tons of ash into the upper atmosphere, thereby creating a short-term cooling effect.
The researchers believe that a fleet of specially designed aircraft could spray sulfate particles into the lower stratosphere to cool down our planet and offset the effects of climate change.
A test of the technology has been proposed for this year, the Daily Mail reports, with the Stratospheric Controlled Perturbation Experiment (SCoPEx) seeing a bag of carbonate dust released into the atmosphere 12 miles up.
If that experiment proves successful, the researchers will move on to releasing the dust from planes.
The researchers suggest that jets flying 12 miles up would complete over 60,000 missions in 15 years, starting with a fleet of eight and moving up to 100 planes.
At present, there are no aircraft capable of doing this, so they would need to be developed.
To paraphrase: no one has ever done this before, but we know exactly how to do it.
Oh. Okay.
All of a sudden, the chemtrail crowd seems prescient, not cuckoo. Like many “conspiracy theories” before it, it’s not outlandish anymore. No. It turns out to be a plan (never implemented before, mind you) conceived by globalist technocrats.
Not everyone agrees that the plan would work. Pat Mooney, Executive Director of the ETC Group, a Canadian environmental protection firm, states that spraying sulfates into the upper atmosphere could backfire.
‘It will do nothing to decrease levels of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere or halt ocean acidification. And solar geo-engineering is likely to increase the risk of climate-related international conflict, given that the modeling to date shows it poses greater risks to the global south.’
Sounds like another case of the cure being worse than the disease.
The toxic effects of acute mercury vapor inhalation have been described1). The clinical picture evolving may be divided into three phases. The initial phase is manifested as a flu-like illness. The intermediate phase involves a period in which severe multi-organ symptoms may manifest. The late phase consists of a period when central nervous symptoms persist. Rare cases with very high acute exposure to mercury vapor have been reported, in which severe respiratory symptoms dominate the clinical picture2). The cause of death in all lethal cases is progressive respiratory failure and the pathologic findings in the lungs at autopsy reveal various stages of acute lung injury, similar to those found in the acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS)3).
We report the findings in a patient with severe mercury inhalation injury who manifested all the three phases of the clinical picture, including ARDS, and yet survived with treatment using corticosteroid and penicillamine.
On admission day, a 72-year-old man had attempted illicit use of mercury-lead amalgam to treat hemorrhoids. This procedure was done in a closed room of his house. He became ill with paroxysmal cough, dyspnea, chest pain, nausea and vomiting, but he was unaware of the cause of his illness. He was admitted and then progressively developed dyspnea and respiratory failure. Routine blood chemistries were unremarkable with the exception of arterial blood gases at room air, which revealed pH 7.533, PaO2 25 mmHg, and PaCO2 21 mmHg. His initial chest roentgenogram was normal. On the second day after exposure, chest radiography revealed bilateral diffuse pulmonary infiltrates (Fig. 1. Top) and bilateral air-space consolidation on high resolution computerized tomography of chest (HRCT), especially in the dependent portion (Fig. 1. Bottom). Transbronchial lung biopsy revealed a chemical pneumonitis, suggestive of pulmonary change of early acute lung injury induced by the exposure to mercury vapors (Fig. 2). The initial urinary mercury concentration was 6402 ug/L. On the third day after exposure to mercury vapor, therapy was initiated with mechanical ventilation and intravenous methylprednisolone pulse (500 mg/day) for 3 days, followed by oral prednisolone (1 mg/kg) and oral D-penicillamine (1500 mg/day) for 7 days. The follow-up chest X-ray showed a much-improved state (Fig. 3. Top) and follow-up urinary mercury concentration was 25.6 ug/L. Follow-up arterial blood gases at room air revealed PaO2 64.9 mmHg, PaCO2 31 mmHg, pH 7.48. He improved daily. But on the 16th day after exposure to mercury vapor, he became disoriented. On physical examination, his mental status was disoriented and auscultation revealed fine crackle bilaterally. Brain MRI showed old cerebral infarction in the right frontal lobe, and a follow-up HRCT in chest showed interstitial fibrosis of both lung fields, especially in the dependent portions (Fig. 3. Bottom). He was treated with second intravenous methylprednisone pulse (500 mg/day) for 3 days and then oral prednisolone (1 mg/kg). Dyspnea improved slightly but his mental status was aggravated. Pulmonary symptoms showed a steady state, but mental status did not improve. He was discharged on the 21st day against medical advice.
Top: chest radiograph on admission shows bilateral extensive patchy air-space consolidation. Bottom: HRCT scan taken 2 days after exposure shows bilateral air-space consolidation, especially in dependent portions. Note ground-glass opacity adjacent to the consolidation.
There is interstitial edema and small amount of fibrin deposition. Gray-black granular pigments suggestive of mercury pigments are noted in the edematous septae (H&E stain, X200).
Top: follow-up chest radiograph shows that bilateral consolidation is markedly improved with residual opacity in the right lower lung field.
Bottom: follow-up HRCT scan shows mild peribronchovascular interstitial thickening and mild interlobular septal thickening, especially in the dependent portion.
Elemental mercury vapor is absorbed rapidly through the alveolar membrane and transported by blood to the brain and other parts of the nervous system1). Mercury is rapidly converted to mercuric ions (Hg++), which are then excreted in the urine and feces. Elimination of elemental mercury occurs primarily in the urine with a half-life of about 60 days. After oxidation, elemental mercury may act as mercuric ion or divalent mercury and thus may be identical to the chemical form that occurs after dissociation of mercuric salts. The danger of mercury vapor is similar to that of ingestion of mercuric chloride or the mercurial diuretics. The same areas of the brain are affected by both inorganic and organic mercury. The tremor, rigidity, truncal unsteadiness and impaired gait may produce a Parkinsonian syndrome suggesting involvement of the basal ganglia and the cerebellum. Involvement of the corpus callosum may be indicated by performance on tests showing no improvement on switching to the preferred from the nonpreferred hand. Defects in memory suggest involvement of the temporal lobe. A urine excretion level of 300mg/L probably represents mercury poisoning; 100 mg/L of mercury in urine requires treatment and levels of 50 mg/L or lower are considered safe. However, urinalysis often yields unreliable results and normal levels have not been clearly established as yet. In our case, the urinary mercury concentration was 6408 ug/L, a level representing acute mercury intoxication.
A clinical picture evolves that may be divided into the following three phases:1) The initial phase (first few days after exposure) is manifested as metal fume fever or a flu-like illness characterized by chills, fever, aching muscles, dryness in the mouth and throat and headache. Toxic pneumonitis with respiratory failure complicate the picture to revese cases, such as the case presented. The intermediate phase (symptoms present 2 weeks after an accident) can be defined as the period during which severe multiorgan symptoms (central nervous system, respiratory tract, gastrointestinal and renal systems) may be manifested. In the respiratory tract, mercury vapour acts as a direct airway irritant and a cellular poison. In mercury vapour inhalation, death has occurred from respiratory failure. Postmortem studies have shown severe damage to the bronchi and bronchioles with marked alveolar edema2). In the presence of necrosis, complications such as interstitial emphysema, pneumomediastinum and pneumothorax can occur4). The late phase involves the period when central nervous symptoms persist and other organ symptoms resolve. Thus, acute exposure to elemental mercury and its vapor induce acute inorganic mercury toxicity and can cause long-term, probably irreversible, neurologic sequelae. The clinical course of our case showed all three phases.
The pathologic studies show that the histologic picture varied in accordance with how long each patient survived postinsult. Kanluen et al3). reported that the pathologic findings in the lungs at autopsy reveal various stages of acute lung injury. In our case, at 5 days postinsult, transbronchial lung biopsy showed early acute lung injury, characterized by slight pneumocyte hyperplasia and intra-alveolar fibrin clot with hyaline membrane formation. The consolidation areas on radiograph were predominantly arranged in edematous interstitium. There was also the deposition of gray-black granular pigments in the alveolar septae, highly suggestive of mercury pigments. A minimal interstitial neutrophilic and mononuclear infiltrate was also present. At 16 days postinsult, HRCT showed moderated air space consolidation and markedly increased interstitial fibrosis, especially in previously edematous portions. Also, emphysema was present in the upper lung field. Lung biopsy was not performed due to the patient’s altered mental status. These histologic changes are similar to changes described in the adult respiratory distress syndrome from other causes2).
The therapeutic aspect of our case also deserves mention. Corticosteroids have been used sporadically, as reported in the literature2). The response to corticosteroids may have been coincidental given the absence of response in the adult respiratory distress syndrome in previous studies. In contrast, we saw beneficial positive response in our case. It has been suggested that steroids may prevent progression to severe interstitial fibrosis if used in mildly affected patients. But the progression of late stage occurred rapidly as we tapered the steroid.
The effectiveness of chelating agent for mercury-induced pulmonary toxicity remains unclear. Penicillamine is generally accepted as an effective chelating agent for mercury5). Dimercaptopropanol (BAL) is also effective; however, penicillamine has the advantage of oral administration and is possibly more potent. D-penicillamine, as an oral compound, may be useful in the less severe symptomatic inorganic and elemental mercury inhalation exposures, but its actual value remains to be determined by clinical studies. D-penicillamine reverses sulfhydryl binding in the blood and chelates both mercury and lead. N-acetyl-d,L-penicillamine has been administered successfully to patients with inorganic mercury-induced neuropathies (tremor, ataxia) and chronic elemental mercury toxicity1). Although chelation therapy has been shown to decrease serum mercury concentration, review of the literature shows that this has no effect on progression of acute lung injury. Jaeger et al6) postulated that lung tissue damage is complete and that the treatment of serum levels with chelating agents has no effect on the reversal of lung damage. In Rowens et al2) reports, despite reduction in serum mercury levels with dimercaprol, there was also no reversal in the progression of lung injury and respiratory dysfunction. Although a number of authors have advocated the use of N-acetyl-d,L-penicillamine, this modified chelating agent is not currently available in North America7). Even though it has been reported successful chelation, the effectiveness of D-penicillamine therapy remains unclear.
In summary, we report a patient with acute respiratory distress syndrome after illicit use of mercury vapor for hemorrhoid treatment, who developed acute chemical pneumonitis.
Evergreen CIA Owned Airline: Dropping Poison On You And Your Family
Evergreen International Aviation brags of their planes that have 7 times the capacity of other fire fighters. One can carry 20,000 gallons. Firefighting … Right … and next we will be told the chem trails are to prevent global warming as millions more are advancing to an early death.
Evergreen International Aviation has exemptions from the law that are advertised on their web site. They can fly anywhere and not stay on a designated route. Has CFR members paved the way? People like Philip Lader and John Wheeler III … they were in a position to do just that.
Evergreen’s public relations (propaganda) spokesman is handled by WPP run by Council on Foreign Relations member Philip Lader. He worked under the present head of the CIA … Leon Panetta as White House deputy of staff under Bill Clinton.
Air Force ‘whistleblower’ claims plane ‘chemtrails’ are spraying us all with poison
When jets fly overhead, are they leaving trails of hot air – or are they seeding clouds with sinister chemicals used to control the weather and, possibly, human minds? An interview with an ex U.S. Air Force ‘whistle blower’ offers what conspiracy sites would claim is ‘conclusive proof’ that it’s the latter. Either that, or it’s pure, gibbering lunacy. Tinfoil hats are advised if you intend to read on. Kristen Meghan claims to have spent nine years in the Air Force – working in ‘bio environmental engineering’. She says, ‘I started noticing large quantities of chemicals on the system that did not have a manufacture name and weren’t tied to a building- that was normal protocol.
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