Sunday, 31 May 2020

David Icke

Karl Pilkington meets David Icke

They Tell People What They Want To Believe - David Icke Predicts What's To Come

THE END OF THE WORLD: Why Artificial Intelligence Could Be The End Of Humanity | David Icke

According to David Icke technology & specifically artificial intelligence (AI) could end up being the end of humanity as we know it and that we need to be more careful about what we create as a species.

The NWO is tightening the noose around humanities neck

Coronavirus: YouTube tightens rules after David Icke 5G interview

Ofcom launches 'urgent' probe into David Icke coronavirus conspiracy comments on LondonLive


Then They Came For Icke – Know More News

Lawyer crowd-funding to take UK government to court over 5G

If you believe that 5G caused COVID-19, this page is not for you.  This page is against wireless 5G, radiofrequency radiation (“RFR”) and electromagnetic fields (“EMFs”) generally due to their impact on the health of humans, animals and plants.
Many people are sensitive to RFR and EMFs and suffer illness, distress and financial loss due to inability to work.  The balance of scientific evidence is now clear that RFR/EMFs are harmful to humans.
The UK government insist on using ICNIRP’s guidelines to set limits of radiation for public health.  ICNIRP’s guidelines are not fit for purpose as, among other things, they only recognise harm from heating of the body and are set for short term exposure – 6 minutes in fact.  Many people suffer harm without any heating of their bodies.
5G is the fifth generation of RFR technology used in the mobile telecoms industry and follows 1G – 4G.  It dwarfs RFR from 1G – 4G because millions more masts, antennae, small cells, picocells etc have to be placed at short distances apart all around the country in order to develop the infrastructure to deliver the data speed promised by 5G.
The current electrosmog from 1G – 4G will become significantly worse and it is likely to result in more harm to humans, animals, trees and pollinators.
Many people have tried to engage with the government and its agencies, including Public Health England, over the last few years in an attempt to persuade them that their existing policies are harmful to human, animal and plant health.  The government rejects such approaches and insists on its adherence to ICNIRP’s guidelines.  It has removed health concerns from the National Planning Policy Framework, thereby removing the ability of its citizens from raising such concerns at local council level.  Its Electronic Communications Code has limited the rights of its citizens to object to equipment being put on their land.  It has permitted the proliferation of RFR gadgets used by babies and children without constraint.

I Need Your Help (No – Not Money!) With Bypassing The Censorship. Here’s What You Can Do …


We are going live with another record breaking interview with David Icke on Monday 6th April at 15.30 London Time. Get ready for it here:

In this clip David Icke talks about why he believes big pharma wanted the #COVID19Pandemic

David Icke - Revelations of a Mother Goddess, with Arizona Wilder

Elon Musk's Involvement | David Icke
Watch our full BANNED David Icke interview COMPLETELY FREE on our website here:

CIA Scientist Exposes Reason For Mandatory Vaccination – Population Manipulation And Control

Doctors And Nurses Have No Knowledge Of Vaccine Ingredients. The Only Information They Receive In Medical School Is, “Vaccines Are Safe And Effective” They Know Nothing About The Toxic Ingredients, Mercury, Aluminium, Aborted Foetal Tissue, SV40 Simeon Monkey Virus That Contains Cancer Causing Properties. Big Pharma And The Vaccine Cartels Design The Entire Medical Curriculum. Vaccination Has Nothing To Do Wth Human Health!

‘Bill Gates seeks to microchip humanity!’ Russian Oscar-winning director pushes vaccine conspiracy… loosely-based on REAL patent

Russian director Nikita Mikhalkov claims billionaire Bill Gates might be seeking to implant humanity with microchips under the guise of vaccination, seeking to control people and ultimately “solve” overpopulation.

The ongoing coronavirus crisis has produced a number of wild conspiracy theories, as some are trying to find the “secret” reasons behind the pandemic. A handful of them revolve around Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates and his efforts to develop a vaccine against Covid-19.

One Microsoft patent that recently received international recognition has been found by many ‘truth-seekers’ to be particularly alarming. The patent WO/2020/060606 describes a “Cryptocurrency system using body activity data” – basically, a device which can be used to ‘mine’ some digital coins using one’s body. Or, rather, “award cryptocurrency to the user whose body activity data is verified,” as the patent abstractly puts it.

The patent did not escape Nikita Mikhalkov, renowned Oscar-winning film director, who pushed quite a theory in a new issue of ‘Besogon TV’ (roughly translated as ‘demon banisher’, dubbed, ‘In whose pocket the state is?’ The episode was aired by the Rossiya 24 TV channel on Friday, but was then quietly taken down from its schedule and not repeated – something Mikhalkov has taken for an act of “censorship.”

Mikhalkov claims the very name of the patent has an occult meaning in it, accusing Gates of actually seeking to implant humans with microchips to control them, and tying it to his potential vaccination program.

How to refuse a vaccine uk 2020

Author David Icke Banned From Paypal, YouTube, Facebook For Views On Coronavirus

Challenging the narrative is a deadly game in today’s Big Tech-controlled technocracy. British author and public speaker David Icke found that out the hard way when he was systematically deplatformed following an interview on Brian Rose’s London Real YouTube channel.

Coronavirus: David Icke kicked off Facebook

Facebook has taken down the official page of conspiracy theorist David Icke for publishing "health misinformation that could cause physical harm".
Mr Icke has made several false claims about coronavirus, such as suggesting 5G mobile phone networks are linked to the spread of the virus.
In one video, he suggested a Jewish group was behind the virus.
Following the ban, his Twitter account posted: "Fascist Facebook deletes David Icke - the elite are TERRIFIED."
Facebook said in a statement: "We have removed this Page for repeatedly violating our policies on harmful misinformation''.


On Friday, campaign group the Center for Countering Digital Hate (CCDH) published an open letter calling on tech companies to ban Mr Icke's accounts.
The letter said Amazon, Facebook, Twitter and YouTube had amplified "Icke's racism and misinformation about Covid-19 to millions of people".
It was co-signed by MP Damian Collins, as well as celebrity medics Dr Christian Jessen, Dr Dawn Harper and Dr Pixie McKenna.
The CCDH said videos of Mr Icke making "untrue and conspiracist claims about Covid-19" had been watched more than 30 million times online.
As examples, it cited:
  • a YouTube interview in which Mr Icke falsely claimed that a Jewish group was behind coronavirus
  • an Instagram post in which he falsely claimed 5G mobile networks left people unable to absorb oxygen
  • a YouTube video in which he falsely claimed it was not possible to catch a virus from shaking hands
  • a Twitter post in which he falsely claimed Germany was moving to "legalise rape" for Muslim men
The letter was published after Facebook had removed Mr Icke's page.
In April, YouTube removed an interview with Mr Icke in which he said there "is a link between 5G and this health crisis".
When asked for his reaction to reports of 5G masts being set on fire in England and Northern Ireland, he responded: "If 5G continues and reaches where they want to take it, human life as we know it is over... so people have to make a decision."
Facebook later removed the same video saying it broke its rules on misinformation.
Later, the telecoms regulator Ofcom found local TV channel London Live in breach of standards for an interview it aired with Mr Icke about coronavirus.
Presentational grey line


By Marianna Spring, Specialist disinformat

David Icke has promoted several conspiracy theories on social media throughout the pandemic - and has consequently found himself in hot water with social media sites and broadcasting regulators.
The health misinformation that he's been spreading, including linking 5G to coronavirus, has played a role in platforms like YouTube tightening their policies about conspiracy theories.
This is a difficult area for social media sites to tackle.
Medical myths and speculation that could cause harm are easier to act on, while conspiracy theories occupy a grey area where companies risk accusations of censorship if they take action.
But the setting alight of mobile phone towers and abuse of telecommunications workers linked to this 5G coronavirus conspiracy has pushed sites like Twitter and TikTok to tighten their rules.
Facebook has also recognised that the conspiracy theories repeatedly promoted by Icke fall into their bracket of harmful misinformation. This isn't the first time it has removed content from him - but the platform has gone one step further in taking down his page.
Governments and social media sites alike grapple with the fine balance between stemming harmful narratives and allowing freedom of expression. But experts point out that they can do both with effective moderation and collaboration.


Exclusive interview:: Robert Kennedy Jr Destroys Big Pharma, Gates, Fauci & Pro-Vaccine Movement
Purchase The Trigger Now


David Icke

Professional Conspiracy Theorist

As one of the world’s pre-eminent professional conspiracy theorists, David Icke has been a regular guest on London Real, discussing topics as diverse as 5G, 9/11 
and censorship.
Often described as a maverick or a renegade, David is a unique voice in the 
space, propounding a number of predictions around his post-Orwellian vision
 of society and the future.

An introduction to David Icke


“Today’s mighty oak is just yesterday’s nut that held its ground.”
Since his spiritual awakening in 1990, David enjoys a sizable global following, 
regularly speaking for up to 10 hours at venues such as Wembley Arena to 
audiences of thousands of people.
As well as public speaking, David is an acclaimed author having written over 
21 books including The Robots’ Rebellion (1994), And The Truth Shall Set 
You Free (1995), The Biggest Secret (1999) and Children of the Matrix 
(2001), in which he developed his worldview of New Age thinking.

With a mission to wake up society and free our minds from what governments 
and mainstream media are trying to make us do, his credentials make him one 
of the most influential thinkers and catalysts for change.

The episode they didn’t want you to see

We knew the world would be watching when David returned to the studio, but 
it seems some very powerful people indeed were also watching…
…and they didn’t like what they saw…
…and they didn’t want you to see it either!
In this interview which was reported heavily by the BBC and others and
 subsequently BANNED, David joined us to talk about the CORONAVIRUS 
PANDEMIC, the worldwide COVID-19 LOCKDOWN, how governments have 
manipulated their citizens and the wider agenda behind social control and a 
Surveillance Society. 
We go deeper into the global crisis, the looming economic recession and the 
impact of 5G technology and the violation of our rights and freedom of 
While we don’t always agree with everything David says, London Real will 
defend his right to be able to say it. So with that in mind sit back and enjoy 
this incredible and informative episode with David Icke.

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